When you apply for a rental home or apartment, you can expect the landlord to request a consumer report or tenant screening report as part of the process. Unfortunately, landlords may use inaccurate background checks to deny tenants a lease for homes and apartments. These reports, which third-party companies provide, often contain incomplete or erroneous information that may sabotage your chance of securing housing. In other instances, a landlord’s deceptive or illegal actions may be to blame for your housing application being denied. Thomasson PLLC proudly represents consumers who are victims of improper tenant screening—we help them resolve the errors and move forward with their lives.
The Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA) contains guidelines for tenant screening companies and the reports they compile. These companies must adhere to set policies and procedures that ensure their reports provide the maximum possible accuracy. Any erroneous or mismatched information may be considered a breach of the tenant screening company’s legal obligation to assure maximum possible accuracy. If this occurs, you can file a lawsuit to have your tenant screening report corrected. In some cases, you are entitled to recover financial compensation for the loss of, or delay in, your rental opportunity.
If a landlord must notify you and provide you with some basic information if it takes adverse action against you because of information contained in a tenant screening report. Common tenant screening-related adverse actions include application denials, a higher deposit than usual, or a higher rent amount. When taking adverse action against you, the landlord should provide information about the reporting agency that issued the report, a summary of your right to dispute the information, and how to request a free copy of the report within 60 days. If your landlord fails to fulfill these obligations, we’re here to assess the situation and determine the best course of action moving forward.
Contact us today if you have a potential Tenant Screening case.
Thomasson PLLC is ready to help if your landlord has taken adverse action against you because of a tenant screening or background check. Call our offices today to get started today: New Jersey (973) 312-0774, Texas (973) 312-0774, or Wisconsin (920) 312-7665.
With office locations in Texas, New Jersey, Wisconsin, Florida and California, Thomasson PLLC offers effective legal representation to protect consumers’ rights across the country. Our attorneys keep clients safe from businesses who violate federal and state consumer protection laws including, but not limited to, the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA), Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (FDCPA), and Telephone Consumer Protection Act (TCPA). We also handle cases involving the invasion of privacy and data breaches, identity theft, tenant screening, employment screening, inaccurate or unlawful background checks, consumer fraud, and COVID-19 related litigation.